ABSS / Financio CONNECT (Accounting)
The accounting module is customized for the Accountant role. There are 5 main functions inside the Accounting Module which are To – Do, Withdrawal, Deposit, Transfer, and Journal.
Accountant role can record a new withdrawal, a new deposit, new transfer and new journal using the ABSS / Financio CONNECT app.
To – Do
You (Accountant) can view all the To-Do task that requested from the Salesman and Procurement officer inside the To-Do tab. To-Do will appear all Credit Note (CN) and Debit Note (DN) requested. To approve or delete this request, kindly follow the steps below :
1. Click any invoice or bill you want to approve or delete
2. Review the content, and click on the icon
3. Click on Approve CN or Delete CN
4. The pop-up message come out as per below:
For Approve: “Confirm to approve a full amount Credit Note?” > click APPROVE
For Delete: “Confirm to Delete Credit Note?” > click DELETE
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