Financio provides fully automated financial reports for your business with a total of 32 complete reports ready to be exported.
Select Reports at the top menu bar.
Navigate the drop down to view the report you are looking for.
The reports available on Financio are,
- Account Transaction.
- Journal Entry reports.
- Aging Reports, Receivables & Payables.
- Banking Report. (Reconciliation)
- Inventory Report.
- Tax Report.
- Contact ledger report.
- Job Report.
- Audit trail report.
- Etc.
Let’s take a look at how the balance sheet report would look like on Financio and how to generate it?
Start by hovering over to the "Reports" tab and selecting the balance sheet at Business Report.
Here’s how a sample Balance sheet report on Financio would look like.
Amongst the option, we have on Financio’s report feature,
- Filter the report by date simply by selecting the calendar icon.
You may export the report to PDF or Excel format by click the 3 dots at the right corner.
Once filtered you can scroll down to view the full report.
*Do note that each report comes with the date and time stamp at the bottom of the page for your own reference as to when the report was generated and if you are still new to Financio please keying your initial opening balances and setup your chart of accounts at the control panel.
Now, Let’s take a look at the Profit and Loss report. Simply click again on the Reports tab at the top menu, and select Profit and loss report.
This is how a profit and loss report would look like on Financio. Once again, you may filter this report by start date and end date as well as export it to excel or PDF.
You are now up to speed. Login to your Financio account and take a look at how your business is performing.
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