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Adding contacts manually requires you to fill in all the relevant information such as name, address, and other contact details. Alternatively, if the contact is on Financio, you may add them easily through the Financio Connect feature.
Let's get started with adding contacts:
- Individual
- Business
Add New Contact (Individual)
1. Click on Contact > Create New > Individual.
2. New Contact – Individual tab will be created.
3. Fill in the Contact Info details:
- First Name - required
- Last Name - required
- Email - optional
- Display Name - auto-populate
- Phone No. - optional
- Send eTransaction: Enable to send e-transaction via email when a valid email address is provided
4. Provide the addresses for the individual contact (optional):
- Click on Add New button to add new address.
- Company Name - required
- Street - required
- City - optional
- Postcode - required
- State - optional
- Country - required
- Primary -Tick the checkbox to display the address in all transactions
5. Set up the Customer and/or Supplier details:
- Enable the Toggle of CUSTOMER and/or SUPPLIER
- Review the Default Currency
- Review the Default Payment Term
- Review the Default Payment Method
- Set up your Default Income/Expense Account
- Set the Price Level
- Memo : An internal note on the contact
6. Click on Save.
Add New Contact (Business)
1. Click on Contact > Create New > Business.
2. New Contact – Business tab will be created.
3. Fill in the Business Info details:
- Name - required
- Email - optional
- Phone No. - optional
- No/UEN No - required
- Website Url - optional
- GST No./Sales Tax No./Service Tax No. – For GST/SST registered company
- Send eTransaction: Enable to send e-transaction via email when a valid email address is provided
4. Provide the contact persons of the business. (Optional)
Note: This allows you to address a specific person in the business on the invoice, e-transaction will also be sent to this person when a contact person is selected on the transaction.
5. Provide the addresses for the Business contact. (Optional)
- Click on Add New button to add new address.
- Company Name - required
- Street - required
- City - optional
- Postcode - required
- State - optional
- Country - required
- Primary – Tick the checkbox to display the address in all transactions
6. Set up the Customer & Supplier details:
- Enable the Toggle of CUSTOMER and/or SUPPLIER
- Review the Default Currency
- Review the Default Payment Term
- Review the Default Payment Method
- Set up your Default Income/Expense Account
- Set the Price Level
- Memo : An internal note on the contact
7. Click on Save.
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